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Opt for Custom Rubber Stamps For Quality and Performance and For Company Image


A rubber stamp is a rubber stamp. This nifty device can be found in all offices and shops and is used for a variety of purposes in various departments and for various purposes. Manufacturers and suppliers of custom rubber stamps Brisbane based offer a range of stock stamps and custom designs.

The stock rubber stamp

Most businesses and offices are usually satisfied with stock rubber stamps with text such as Dispatched, Paid, Posted, Cancelled, Delivered, Received, Urgent, Reminder or Approved. You can have a rubber stamp with just one such text or select stampers that have a rubber belt that can be rotated. Most of these words are embossed on the rubber so one stamp is all you need. Stock stamps are fine for internal purposes and for small businesses. However, if you care about your impression and branding then you may find customer rubber stamps Brisbane supplier offers a better option.

Custom rubber stamps

Opt for custom rubber stamps Brisbane supplier offers and your choices broaden. You are not restricted to specific text, font size or font type. You can get much more in custom designed rubber stamp such as:

  • Take font size for instance. You can have your pick and standardize it across all departments or to match your letterhead font type.

  • Font size may be chosen to be larger or smaller and you can fit in more or less text within a defined area.

  • Logo may be incorporated into the custom rubber stamp design. This helps in branding and also in authentication. Anyone can buy and use standard stamps but one with a logo comes across as better in authenticating documents.

How good the custom rubber stamps look depends on the way the rubber part is created. There are several technologies and the effect is not the same from all of them.

Different technologies

Buy standard stamps and what you will be likely to get is standard grade rubber or stamps made using photopolymer technology. This does not make much of a difference when fonts are large in size. However, smaller fonts will show up the weakness of older and cheaper technologies and materials. Look closely and the “e”, “o”, “c”, “w”, “b” and similar characters in smaller fonts are not going to look sharply defined. They will appear smudged, filled in or otherwise look less than idea. Better quality manufacturers use advanced technologies like high grade rubber sheets and laser cuts and laser engraving. Pick a font size as small as 8 points and even then none of the above characters appear filled in or smudged and they stay that way even after prolonged use over years.

The practical approach is to use standard rubber stamps for general purpose use where fonts are large and appearance is not critical. Use custom rubber stamps Brisbane suppliers offer for specialized purposes where branding and the impression you create are important and where you may want a logo and specific text in font size of your choice. Addprint Australia offers custom rubber stamps in various types, sizes and materials to satisfy every need.

Addprint Rubber Stamps manufactures and deals in a variety of rubber stamps and nothing else. They are specialists in creating custom rubber stamps that will make impressions stand out clearly and enhance your brand value.



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